Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hike after the last Typhoon

We are slowly catching up to our present time:  many things have happened since first arriving, loosing internet for about three weeks, to resting in our own apartment.  So, back at the end of September we experienced our first Typhoon.  Chiayi City is situated just to the west of the central mountains, almost built on the foot hills.  So we didn't experience the damage due to flooding like a number of other cities in Taiwan.  A few cities were hit really hard, with quite a bit of damage.  We just stayed in and made our first meal as the wind churned around the apartment.  No going out for us in such high winds.  A few days later we went for our first real mountain hike, out of town by about 40 minutes.  Almost straight up.  Here's a few shots.
Bamboo was downed all up the trail from the high winds.  And these plants are quite strong.

Mambo big dragon flies.

Before ascending, walked along the river bed in the valley.

River was a bit low, I think, but still had these huge rock piles everywhere.  All covered in green goo.
Steep fall off right behind us.
Steep climb with our friend Jean.  It was freakin hot!

You can't see me.  I'm just part of the tree.

Largest Stick Bug I've ever seen.  A good foot long or more.
Trail down hill with bamboo everywhere.
View from almost the top.  Big impediment and possible snakes called the hike to a turning point.

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