Can barely believe it, but it is one moon cycle later. This shot is from the full moon in September, the Moon Festival in Taiwan and China, where ya gotta burn, blow up or somehow detonate something so your ghost relatives know they are appreciated. If you don't the aforementioned relatives may feel you haven't made enough noise and will hex you, your family, your dog, your friends... you get the picture. On the special full-moon day blow stuff up, drink tea and look at the moon. From our balcony, into the balcony courtyard view of the night. |
So, this is for Chris, who so reasonably requested some night shots from out apartment . To the king of the night, and Halloween's own personal Dr. Calligari. Just a few shots of things for the fun of it all.
View from out balcony at night. The first and fifteenth of every month is an auspicious time so off go fireworks... So are most other days, so let's set off fireworks. Hey, we have explosives in the house, let's set off fireworks. If you sit still in one spot for an hour, you will 99% assuredly here something blow up. | |
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First cooked meal at our place. Veggie dumplings with local organic stuff. |
Off the back balcony, to the east, looking at the morning mountain view. City and jungle, geckos live on this balcony, as well as some other things... our tomato plants! |
This is for Nate & Krystal, you know why. The bottom "L" is for the "Loving Hut", a veg restaurant chain which we were EXTREMELY grateful to find within the first two weeks of being here. |
More tomorrow, or later tonight. Depends on how much halloween movie watching I can get in.
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